Start Banking Freelance Money Today with This…

I’ve got a great way for you to start your
very own animated video freelancing business TODAY.

Not next week. Today.

Ok, here’s what you’re going to need:
1. A way to take payments. (paypal or another processor) Check.
2. A place to sell your animated video creation services from. (Fiverr or Upwork) Check.
3. A way to easily create animated videos fast. (* crickets…)
You might be a little stumped on that last one,
but there’s a perfect software to help you with
#3 above.

It’s called VidToon and you can see it here:

Go to VidToon

Because creating animated videos are super
easy in VidToon, you can undercut the competition on pure volume alone.

So you could literally setup your account at a
site like Fiverr today, get VidToon (which has
a very low learning curve) and start taking orders by tomorrow.

No joke.

VidToon includes everything you need to create just about any kind of animated video.

There are:
● 25 characters included for any scenario
● 20 eye popping character animations
● A to B automation object movement
● The ability to flip any object’s orientation
● 100 HD backgrounds
● Intro and Outro transitions
● Microsoft and Google text to speech options
● And a ton more!

If I continued and told you everything that you get with VidToon, this email would be another 5 pages!

Best bet?

Hop over and see VidToon in action for yourself here:

Go to VidToon

There are no monthly fees currently and this works on Mac and PC.

Plus there is a free commercial license upgrade included with your investment today.

So head on over now and get access.

To your success.