Costco Fail :(

Last weekend I was standing in line at Costco, waiting to check out…

And the couple ahead of me had lots of veggies and fruits in their carts…

Lots of sparkling water…

And no soda, chips or treats.

But the one thing that really jumped out at me was…

They were getting two HUGE bottles of vegetable oil…

And two HUGE bottles of canola oil.

That’s when my heart sank 🙁

Look, when something has “vegetable” in the title…

We automatically think it’s healthy.

But that’s not always the case.

When it comes to cooking oils…

Vegetables, canola, corn and soybean are some of the worst.

They’re hydrogenated…

They have tons of harmful chemicals that cause inflammation…

And they really just make everything worse.

So if you’re cooking with vegetable or canola oil…

Please just dump it down the drain ASAP.

Your waistline will thank you 🙂

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PS – Every morning, Mrs. Stirling mixes a glass of red juice.

She just had twins a couple years ago…

She’s trying to make up for lost time in her career…

Plus she prepares and cooks all the meals for her boys and husband, so…

She needs TONS of energy…

Clear mental focus…

And she’s still trying to get rid of those pesky leftover pounds of baby fat.

She started making the drink because it’s packed with polyphenols.

Polyphenols are plant compounds that help block fat storage…

While increasing your metabolism.

Plus, she’s never hungry in the morning after her drink, so…

Her body starts the day burning pure fat for energy…

Which has really helped flatten her belly, and…

The best part is…

This morning fat-burning drink only takes 4 seconds to make 🙂

Here it is:

Drink This After 7 AM to Burn Belly Fat Daily

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This way your body will be burning fat even if you don’t get a chance to exercise.